Friday, November 11, 2011

How do you find the expiration date on Elizabeth Arden cosmetics?

I bought an item to re-sell on eBay but the box is only stamped with "6JB-1" and I can't find any information on the Arden website.|||when the skin starts to peel off!|||Thank you for being such a conscientous ebay seller. I think most don't care and I worry when I purchase.|||if its makeup its 6 months after opening

if its most other things its 24 months

if its a cream you dip your fingers in yo get it out, then its 6 months, unless you use a little 'spatula' (plastic stick) then it will also last 24 months.

just a general guide. are you sure thers no sign with an empty pot and nexxt to it '6M' '12M' etc?|||I hope it wasn't opened at all. I think you should be fine. However, all cosmetics should be used within 1 year of opening, so I would use that as your expiration date.

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